Solo shot of Natasha Tan, smiling at the camera
hey there,
i'm natasha
I'm a UX designer with a penchant for prototyping. I enjoy listening to people and love playful designs 👾
Solo shot of Natasha Tan, smiling at the camera
My favourite animal is the pigeon.
Or the chicken.
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Different Aevice Health products - a physical device, and mock ups on a phone and computer
Internship at
Aevice Health
A summary of my 6.5 month internship at Aevice Health, a MedTech company.

I got to do everything from research and ideation, to prototyping and user testing. Also, a splash of web development on Webflow.
Mockups of 3 different screens of the application on an iPhone.
A second-hand
shopping app that
solves your sizing woes
Case study focusing on improving the experience of second-hand clothing shoppers. Create a customised shopping experience: only see clothes that fit you.
Mockups of 3 different screens of the application on an iPhone.
Web and mobile mock ups of the app
Investment education
for beginners
(DBS NAV University)
A case study of the existing DBS NAV University.

The intention is to improve the feature’s visibility and ease of use, so that beginner DBS investors are encouraged to start their investment education.